Business design
Business design
Business design is suited for comprehensive customer-oriented business renewal.

Strategic level business design using a collaborative model
We can use business design to renew your business strategy, reformulate business model or to redefine your strategic competitive advantages.
Our service is also suited for solving various types of business challenges and charting new business opportunities, as well as reshaping unprofitable operations.
Business design is based on collaborative development
We work in collaborative workshops with as wide a work group as possible. In addition to top management, it's smart to include representatives from sales, marketing, product development and other key functions.
In addition to broader perspectives, co-development helps the participants embrace a common goal.
Using customer needs to guide business development
Business design is suitable for companies whose business needs a more comprehensive reform and for connecting the needs of customers and personnel to strategy-level development work.
When business managers work alongside designers, you add creative, empathetic and people-oriented thinking on top of the commonly more analytical and solution-oriented approach. This usually generates more versatile ideas and more commercially sustainable solutions.

Voimme auttaa yritystäsi uudistamaan kaiken kysynnänluonnista asiakaspalveluun, palveluntuotantoon ja tuotekehitykseen. Tarvittaessa mietitään koko ansaintalogiikkasi uusiksi.
Konsulttimme auttavat avaamaan uudenlaisia näkökulmia liiketoimintaasi ja tunnistamaan mahdollisuuksia, joita ette ehkä itse ole huomanneet. Osallistava toimintamallimme kasvattaa samalla organisaationne innovointikyvykkyyttä, minkä ansiosta olette jatkossa valmiimpia vastaamaan tuleviin muutoksiin.