Strategic foresight
Strategic foresight
Design methods add creativity and new points of view to strategy work.

Scanning the future business environment

Strategic foresight is about examining your organisation's business environment focusing on long term change trends and their likely effects.
With our service we want to challenge traditional business strategy planning process through broader and more diverse dialogue.
Our CX consultants, strategists and experts guide and encourage your strategy work group by introducing new perspectives into your strategy work.
From examining changes to analysing impacts
The idea is to first form a broad and diverse working group made up of representatives of your organisation and Avalon's consultants. The group gets together for participatory workshops.
We begin with free ideation and proceed from the identification of trends to analysing the most likely outcomes, going all the way to planning how you can be better prepared for the changes.
Smarter, more informed decisions about the future
The more comprehensive a view your organisation manages to form about the future, the better equipped you will be for the changes to come. And the easier it will be for you to take advantage of the new opportunities.
For some organisations, futures thinking is a completely new way of working, and you may benefit from guidance, encouragement and support.
Strategic foresight should be understood as a continuous, ever-evolving process, whether you go at it internally or use external consultants as facilitators.

Voimme auttaa yritystäsi uudistamaan kaiken kysynnänluonnista asiakaspalveluun, palveluntuotantoon ja tuotekehitykseen. Tarvittaessa mietitään koko ansaintalogiikkasi uusiksi.
Konsulttimme auttavat avaamaan uudenlaisia näkökulmia liiketoimintaasi ja tunnistamaan mahdollisuuksia, joita ette ehkä itse ole huomanneet. Osallistava toimintamallimme kasvattaa samalla organisaationne innovointikyvykkyyttä, minkä ansiosta olette jatkossa valmiimpia vastaamaan tuleviin muutoksiin.