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/user research

Customer or user research is the most important phase in customer experience development. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the target audience's values, needs, wishes and challenges, helps us ensure success in service and brand development as well as in marketing.


Key tool for product and service design, branding and marketing

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User-centricity is how we choose to approach digital service development, while a thorough understanding of the target audience is also key to brand building and marketing. Whether the audience consists of customers or personnel, design work must be based on the understanding of actual needs.

At the start of collaboration, we like to investigate your company's customers or service users: who they are, what they need and expect. To get the most comprehensive – and reliable – understanding of your customers, we use various methods, such as interviews, observation, surveys, and analytics.

We recommend customer and user research to anyone who wants to ensure the consistency of customer experiences, the user-centricity of services, the attractiveness of their brand and the relevance of marketing measures.

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Customer and user research is necessary whenever you want to ensure the attractiveness of customer experiences, services, and brand messages.