Expansion to new markets
Expansion to new markets
Expanding to new markets is an effective way to accelerate business growth. Digitalisation and globalisation have made the process much easier, but a carefully planned internationalisation strategy increases your chances to succeed.

Starting or expanding export business
We offer versatile support for customers who wish to start or grow their export business, from localising product development and production to creating demand in new market areas.
Our customer-centric ideology and our innovativeness, as well as our extensive offering, sets us apart from the usual internationalisation consultants.
We can offer business and service development, marketing, and technology expertise as a one-stop-shop. You get content planning and production – with translations and adaptations – directly from us, without intermediaries.
The most impactful business development partner
Our in-depth expertise in marketing, branding, digital business and technology makes us an attractive partner for any company interested in expanding into the Nordics and the Baltics.
During the past fifteen years, we have built a comprehensive international contact and co-operation network, which allows us to offer support in internationalisation matters all over the world.
Our six-person international growth team is supported by 35 other Avalonians: from business consultants to designers and digital marketing experts. And we have Digia's 1,500 technology experts providing additional back up.